Motivasi untuk diri...

Saya pernah kongsikan artikel yg ditulis oleh Hannah Keeley ini sebelum ini di SINI

Dan saya cuba utk kongsikan sekali lagi sebagai peringatan berterusan buat diri saya kerana cabaran menjadi ibu yang saya rasakan semakin berat! tabahlah wahai hati....anak2 adalah amanah Allah...semoga saya diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran, aminn...:-)

Life isn't always going to go smoothly. In fact, the smooth times are the ones we rarely remember....

Motherhood is full of highs and lows that become permanently etched in our mind...

We witness the smiles and we wipe the tears....but through it all, we remain strong and focus...

"A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is built for" - God created each of us to make a difference in this world...and we can do that in every moment and every decision.

Whenever we are choosing to use kind words instead of yelling...we are making a difference.
Whenever we choose to hold rather that hit...we are making a difference.

Even in the little moments - life is made up of moments, and it's how you spend those moments that create the quality of the life you live.

No, life was never meant to be easy....but it was definitely meant to be exciting.
Seize every moment you have and make a difference...

Miracle truly lies in the tiny moments...make it happens!
